“The doctor of the future will give no medicine, but will interest his patients in the care of the human frame, in diet, and in the cause and prevention of disease.” -Thomas Edison, Inventor
The first part of this famous quote applies to Chiropractors more than any other group, in my opinion. However, it also fits well in the realm of Naturopathic, Alternative, Holistic and Eastern medical traditions. Care and alignment of the human frame is so important. We can all relate to that statement. You sleep in the wrong position, and wake up with a kink in your neck… and the pain, stiffness and lack of mobility in your neck takes over your entire day! Or, you get an injury playing your favorite sport… and that impacts your next week or more, with pain and limited mobility.
So how does VibraGenix Whole Body Vibration work together with Chiropractic medicine?
Many Chiropractors that use VibraGenix Whole Body Vibration in their practices attest that patients are much easier to adjust after a session of VibraGenix Whole Body Vibration, and that their adjustments last longer.
Let’s look at why this is happening.
Sonic Whole Body Vibration was developed in conjunction with the Qigong association. For those of you that are not familiar with Qigong – it is similar to Tai Chi… both disciplines are focused on the flow of energy in the body. The VibraGenix Whole Body Vibration technology is amazing for stimulating the flow of energy throughout the body. In fact, 10 minutes on the VibraGenix has the same effect on energy flow as doing 90 min of Tai Chi or Qigong!
Mechanical Whole Body Vibration is most beneficial within two feet of the vibration plate. This means your lower legs, unless you are getting down on the plate. Sonic, or Sound wave vibrational frequencies stimulate Every cell in your body from the bottom of your feet to the top of your head – simultaneously!
In Eastern medicine – the belief is that energy blockages lead to disease, disorders, pain, injuries and alignment issues.
In Western medicine – the belief is that disease, disorders, and injuries lead to energy blockages – although we refer to them as inflammation, atrophy, impaired mobility, and lack of circulation.
It matters not which school of thought is “right” or which terminology is more accurate – what matters is clarity on the fact that Energy Flow, whether seen (blood and lymph) or unseen (Chi), Is So Important, and Essential for Good Health!
Bottom Line: The VibraGenix Whole Body Vibration system is a powerful tool to enrich your life!
The bottom line is this, many things can cause the energy within our body to stop flowing properly. Stress, emotional blocks, injury, surgery, alignment issues, allergies… The solution is to get the energy flowing again, and make the proper adjustments in the frame, diet, and lifestyle to support the flow of energy. The VibraGenix Whole Body Vibration system is the most powerful tool that I have found for stimulating the cells, energy flow, circulation and lymph. It will be a great addition into your life, and for your practice.
Caroline Stites, ND MS